
Diablo 3 classes
Diablo 3 classes

diablo 3 classes

  • Harmony: All elements on the Monk's items get a 40% increase for their resistances.
  • Alacrity: Spirit Generators speed up their attacks by 15%.
  • Beacon of Ytar: All cooldowns get cut by 20%.
  • Relentless Assault: Enemies that are Blinded, Frozen or Stunned receive 20% more damage.
  • Determination: Damage is raised by 4% to a maximum of 20% when the monk is 12 yards or closer to the enemy.
  • Sixth Sense: Non-Physical damage taken by the monk is lowered by 25%.
  • The Guardian's Path: 35% dodge while dual-wielding and spirit regeneration is raised by 15% with a two-handed weapon.
  • Seize the Initiative: Attack speed is raised by 30% for 4 seconds when an enemy's life is higher than 75% health.
  • Chant of Resonance: 4 Spirit/Second when a mantra is used and lowering Mantra costs by 50%.
  • Transcendence: Each spirit point heals 429 points of life and the amount of health gained is raised by 0.4% of your max health heal bonus.
  • diablo 3 classes

    Exalted Soul: Max spirit raises by 50 points and spirit regeneration is raised by 4 points a second.Resolve: Damage done by enemies cut by 20% for 4 seconds on enemies Monk deals damage to.

    diablo 3 classes

    Fleet Footed: 10% boost to movement speed.

    Diablo 3 classes